The first shout out is for jer bear. Last week was Jeremy's birthday, the 25th. Aaron and I wanted to help make it a fun weekend for him and we were so excited that we could be with him in Cali for his bday. Saturday Aaron and Jeremy went surfing and then I met up with them for a birthday breakfast. We ordered lots of breakfast, yup a plate of pancakes for us to all share on top of our regular breakfast entrees. Then after stuffing ourselves the server brought Jeremy a a huge ice cream sundae. We then went to dinner with the Williams. How great is Taco Mesa? Fabulous. Jodie made an adorable cake for Jer so we went over to their house and ate cake and hung out together. Of course I made Jer mountains Sunday morning and then Aaron and I met up with him and some of his friends in LA at the yummiest pizza joint, Mulberry Pizza, to celebrate some more. In my family birthdays are not just celebrated one day but multiple days. It was a fun weekend and I am glad Aar and I were here for Jer's big day.
My next shout out is to my baby baby. Aaron is almost done with grad school! He finished all of his finals last week but now the big show is here. He picked up his comp this morning and has until next Monday at 4:00 to turn it in. It is a crazy intense project, that I could explain, however it would take lots of paragraphs to do so. But just know it is nutso and the craziness has begun. He is pretty much in the office all day working and working. I am doing all I can to make sure he is comfortable and taken care of, making lunches, dinners, taking care of the dogs, whatever I can so he can work work work. The hardest part is not being able to talk to him, I never really realized how much I like to tell him, I am for sure using a lot of self control right now so I do not interrupt his thinking and flow. I am super proud of him and I am thrilled for him to graduate in just a couple of weeks. So here's to a lot of Diet Coke, Mate, late nights, and lots of studying.
FIGHT ON Mr. Murray see you in a week and don't you worry there will be some celebrating, afterall we love reasons to celebrate and we are pretty good at doing so.
Haha, I loved your comment on my blog. Yes, lets do hang out!!! Did you guys get passes to Disneyland? I kind of want to go on Friday!!!