Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Memories are the best, don't you think? I love how certain smells, sights and sounds can take you instantly back to a memory and in seconds you are feeling all those emotions that you felt when you first experienced the memory. The brain really is an amazing thing. While I was sitting at home tonight I was looking through my photos and decided that I wanted to start recording some of my favorite memories of the last few years, and who knows I may just go way way back to some of my very first memories.

#1 I went scuba diving for my first time ever last year with Aaron in St. Lucia. It is one my greatest memories as I really struggled to overcome this huge fear of mine. As I started to descend under water I freaked out and swam right back up to the top, of course with Aaron's help since my weight belt was weighing me down and I couldn't get my vest to inflate since I was so flustered. I surfaced and started crying telling Aaron "I can't do this." He calmly reminded me how I had told the youth I work with that I was going to overcome my greatest fear as an example to them. It was this deal that I had made with the kiddos I was working with that got me through this experience. It was completely worth it and I loved the experience and can't wait to go again. Not to mention there is just something great about doing something you are afraid of with your best friend there to help you.

#2 Easter 08 was such a fun day. We went to Sugarhouse Park with Jer, KT, Matt and Liam and flew kites. We then went over to our house and made Aaron's famous Porterhouses. Then one of the greatest memories ever was formed. Liam going on an egg hunt, using his eyes and searching high and low for the eggs was classic. We kept re hiding eggs to see him continue on his search as it was just too great.

#3 For xmas 07 Aaron and I started off the Holidays with an evening with the Beck's. Of course we had the Beck specialty RACLETTE for dinner and then Ash and I got down to business and decorated our gingerbread houses. Spending time with the Beck's is one of our favorite times and when we lived in Utah we were spoiled with seeing them often. Living away from these guys sure makes me miss them. However, I have many memories of spending time with them that fill my cup until we see them next.

#4 After Aaron and I got engaged we took a trip to Arizona. When we arrived my cute dad had painted the cactus in the front yard with "i do" "4 ever" "love", it was super cute. I love how young Aaron and I look in this pic.

#5 This was one of the greatest days. Aaron and I headed up to Logan, Utah to go fishing with Matt, KT and Liam. I caught my biggest fish to date that day out of the PHD pond. I was so excited when I hooked this fish. I remember that I used streamers and I could see my lil streamer tricking the fish and then I felt it take the bait (no not real bait, since we fly fish). I was so excited when I felt the fish take the hook. Here is my beauty of the day.


  1. Great idea to post about your favorite memories. Our gingerbread houses were masterpieces! So...are you liking blogger?? Where is your Hanukkah layout?

  2. I love memories! Reminiscing is my favorite!! I might do this myself...
