Friday, September 16, 2011

Missoni Madness and FNL

Are you as in love with the line for target as I am? I am obsessed and just love staring at it all the items, even all the out of stock stuff. It is just so pretty looking and funky. Just my style.

I am in love and at the same time so sad that I couldn't get my hands on more.

I ordered a tankini online that they still had and am going to be checking out stores in my area for more but man all I can say is dangit!!! So bummed.

I can't believe it was sold out in just a few hours. Had I been thinking clearly and not in my Friday Night Lights daze I would have gone early and stood in line for when the store opened.

That brings me to my next thought FNL!!! Loving it. Aaron and I are totally into it and are stoked to have another series to watch and love together. Kind of an issue though as we end up staying up late watching it not knowing when Vivian will sound the alarm next to eat. Thankfully she is pretty consistently sleeping from 8pm or so until 5am or later (knock on some wood for me), but we still take things day by day and have no expectations of her so I still feel like we are being risky staying up so late. But it's fun how excited we get when she goes to sleep, we get ready for bed and run into the bedroom, load up the netflix and just watch watch watch until one of us finally calls it quits.

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