Aaron and I were blessed to have an amazing photographer, one of my DG sisters, photograph our birth and newborn pics for us. It was by far one of the best decisions we made to do a birth story documentation. She captured it all, such raw emotions, and the pics bring us to tears and take us back to that day almost 2 months ago where our life drastically changed.
If you are in the SoCal area or Utah (I know she visits there often) check her out and book her. She does everything as you will see on her site
You can view our pics from the birth on her site too.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
How great is UT in the summer
Last week I was able to make a trip to Utah, a WAY too short of a trip. Being that it was my first trip with Vivian I didn't know what to expect and since I was going without Aaron I didn't want to be gone away from him too long. While it was short it was still great. It was so much fun to be able to visit family and see a few friends and of course show off my newest and greatest addition.
I learned a few things about traveling with my lil one:
Stay longer, if you are going to travel you might as well stay longer. Just when I started settled and chill I left.
There is never enough time for everything and everyone, I didn't even get close to fitting in all that I wanted and visits with everyone.
Travel with Aaron, it's tough work traveling alone.
The BEST...relaxing outside with these two monsters...Amazing lil monsters they are!!! Vivian loved the outdoors and was mesmerized by the trees, breeze, shadows and sounds of the outdoors.
Can you stand them in their matching hats?
Liam was IN LOVE. He wanted to hold Vivian so much and I think no joke every time he walked by her or just in the middle of whatever he was doing he would come up to her and say in the sweetest softest voice "Hi Viv."
Dream in green got to meet lil Viv too!!!
KT was so great and helpful with Vivian while I was there and George loved Vivian too. He calls her by her full name and it just absolutely ridiculously cute to hear him say her name.
Emma, Ellie and Chase got to meet Vivian too. Chase was loving the baby and though she was so cute. Liam and George were spoiled and played with Emma for the entire time we were up at Aaron's parents house.
I learned a few things about traveling with my lil one:
Stay longer, if you are going to travel you might as well stay longer. Just when I started settled and chill I left.
There is never enough time for everything and everyone, I didn't even get close to fitting in all that I wanted and visits with everyone.
Travel with Aaron, it's tough work traveling alone.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Breaking Bad = GOOD
Just a reminder to anyone and everyone that if you are not currently watching Breaking Bad, you must get in on it NOW. Rent the DVDS, Netflix them, Itunes them, whatever you want just do it. Just found out that they have decided on the end time of the series and as a result I am sure it is going to get pretty crazy, as if it is not already crazy.
Yes it is about illegal drugs and all but what can I say it is awesome. The way the show is done is great, so much drama, humor, suspense. It has it all.
Who would have thought that the dad from Malcolm In The Middle could be such a tough guy. We had honestly been counting down the days until it came back on this season right along with counting down the days until our baby was born...no joke it's THAT good.
Yes it is about illegal drugs and all but what can I say it is awesome. The way the show is done is great, so much drama, humor, suspense. It has it all.
Who would have thought that the dad from Malcolm In The Middle could be such a tough guy. We had honestly been counting down the days until it came back on this season right along with counting down the days until our baby was born...no joke it's THAT good.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Formal Introduction
I am sorry it has taken me so long to introduce myself to the world
I am VIVIAN MURRAY and I am already over a month old. How is that possible you might ask that I took so long to introduce myself to you? I have been busy. Busy eating, sleeping, playing and pooping.
At 1 month here is a little bit about me
Me and my dad, who sadly got the shingles (I think my arrival along with moving and starting a new job created a tad bit of stress), I don't know why I had anything to do with it because I am the chillest baby you have ever met.
Just chilling on my dad's surfboard trying to get as comfortable as possibly so when the day comes that I get out there with my dad I can pop up right away.
Just waking up from a nap in my crib. For some reason everytime I wake up I wake up to my mom and dad watching over me and laughing. I guess they think I wake up cute.
Getting ready to walk out the door to church. And YES we were on time. Mom and dad have been pretty good so far at not letting me make them late, we will see how long that lasts though, I may have some tricks up my sleeve that I may use in the future to turn them in to the late people.
Here I am with my partner in crime BEAR. For 9 months my mom and him would walk everyday and chat about what it would be like to walk with me and
hear I am finally joining them.
Salt Creek Beach the ending spot of our daily walks. I actually was awake for a little while this time as usually I fall asleep before we get to the beach which makes my mom sad, but this night I managed to be up for awhile and soak in the ocean breeze.
I am VIVIAN MURRAY and I am already over a month old. How is that possible you might ask that I took so long to introduce myself to you? I have been busy. Busy eating, sleeping, playing and pooping.
At 1 month here is a little bit about me
- Love to track black/white toys and books, and now loving my color books too
- Respond to voices of my mom and dad
- Stare at Bear and Bella (go figure they are black and white so no wonder I like them so much)
- I squeeze hands, can hit faces, hold toys in my hands, and can lift my head all the way up and turn to other side when doing tummy time, which I super love.
- I go on lots and lots of walks to the beach. You see I live right at a trail that heads to the beach so my mom, bear and I make it down there usually once a day and I watch in jealousy the junior lifeguard training just dying for the day to do that too with the big girls.
- I am liking my voice and love to make sounds of all sorts that are pretty darn pleasant and appealing to my mom and dad
- I don't really cry, unless you haven't gotten food to me yet. Sometimes you will hear me let out a lil squeal right before I fall asleep and then I am out cold. It is me just trying to say "don't have too much fun without me guys." I am like my mom that way, she never likes to miss the fun.
- I wake up with cat stretches and potato bug rolls along with moans.
- I purr in my sleep and my mom and dad think it is the darn near cutest thing in the world
- Lots of people stare at me, ooh and ahh at me and I can see why.
- I have been to church already and it was a major success which is good cause my mom was a bit worried about going to a new ward with a new baby. She had dreamt about taking me to church for the first time in LA so I took it easy on her and made sure I was as pleasant as can be so she didn't feel sad.
- I love baths
- I go to bed around 9-10 and wake up just one time in the night to feed then head off to dreamland for a few more hours until around 8 am.
- 2 hours is my max currently for staying awake until I need a nap, I know I am a lightweight
- I have taken a few naps in my crib outside my parents room and I am feeling ready to move on up and out, however my mom is feeling otherwise, she can be a bit sentimental so makes it hard for her to have me leave her side.

hear I am finally joining them.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Wise words

Every night after bath time Vivian gets her last feeding before sleep. While we do this we always listen to primary songs with the lights down low. It is our bedtime routine. Aaron comes in and the family is together getting ready for bed. We like to set the stage for a calm and peaceful night. Every night I sing along to the hymns. I got to thinking...surely Vivian has got a good chance in this world when from the very beginning of her life she hears these words.
My life is a gift
My life is a plan
My life has a purpose
In heaven it began
My life is a plan
My life has a purpose
In heaven it began
One of my most favorite things about the LDS church is the programming it has for children and youth. I can't imagine raising Vivian without it. As I served in YW I realized this much more and now that I am caring for our lil Viv I am personally so thankful for the church and the messages it teaches to children. Wouldn't every parent want their kid to hear the above lyrics and sing them as they get older?
With all the negative messages that are out in the world and all the issues I have seen and dealt with with teenage girls I can't think of better words for a child to hear. We all want to feel as if we are MEANT to be here, that we matter, that there is PLAN for us and that we have PURPOSE in the world. I think I may have to get these words done on a print and hang in her room. What a great motto.
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