Friday, May 27, 2011


As I am getting more and more ready for our lil one I am getting more and more excited. We haven't had the freak out yet of "what are we doing?" "can we handle this?" "are we ready?" etc. I do have to say that I laugh every time someone tries to warn me about how much my life will change and they ask "are you guys REALLY ready?" I think to myself A. Do I look like a teen mom with no clue about life? B. What makes someone REALLY READY?

I have to say I am thankful for all my family and friends who have already had kids to get me comfortable with the changes that will come. Sure it is much different when it is your own, do people really feel the need to explain that? Isn't that common sense? While I have witnessed many of these changes happen to those around me, heard the issues, seen the exhaustion, listened to the frustrations and concerns I know it will be on a much more intense level when it is me going through it. Yet I still say to myself "Bring it on, I am so ready for different." It's not like Aaron and I got married yesterday (almost 8 years) and we have been ready for "different" for awhile now.

I am excited for the SLAP IN THE FACE CHANGE that is about to happen in 6 weeks or so and you can remind me that if you ever hear me saying anything of the contrary (promise I give you 100% full permission to quote me).

The crib was delivered today (Nursery is in process)
Carpets get cleaned next week
Hospital bag is packed
Head is down

and with that I say BRING IT, let's get our baby girl here in the next 6 weeks.

Few more weeks to go so few more inches to expand!!!


  1. Yay! You look great. And I didn't realize how long your hair is. So gorgeous. Ready or not, here she comes! (But it sounds like you're as ready as can be!) I hope your hip isn't giving you any more trouble.

  2. Big changes may be coming but the BEST changes are coming too! Can't wait to see the nursery!

  3. I can't wait to see her sweet face and kiss her sweet toes....honestly DYING!!!!!

  4. You guys are gonna be such amazing parents! And you look fantastic!

  5. you look awesome! i'm so excited for you guys!!

