How has it been 6 months? Really a half of a year since you came to our family. I can hardly stand it...actually I can't AT ALL. Too fast, you are growing up too too fast. STOP right now, your are so darn cute right now that I don't want it to change...but I do, but I don't, as you can tell I am conflicted with this whole growing up thing.
Here are some fun facts about you at 6 months
- Venus fly trap arms and legs (you will literally hone in on something and snap you grab it with your hands and is hysterical, we can't get anything past your eyes)
- 17 lbs!!! That's my girl...putting on the weight and growing so well. (you are now 18+) The DR is always so impressed with your growth and it makes me so happy knowing you are healthy and strong
- So far eat: Carrots, Squash, Sweet Potatoes, Avacados, Mashed Potatoes, Prunes, Pears, Mangos, Applesauce and you LOVE it all.
- Mimic us saying Hi and Da Da Da Da
- A cackling laugh that makes us go crazy
- Sit up and are so proud of yourself
- Peddle your feet on my arms, pat me on my back and rub our necks when we hold you
- LOVE your blankies...Just seeing your blankies makes you so happy and you shake your arms and start smiling so big then we hand it to you and you immediately grab it and snuggle it in your face.
- Laugh at Bella and Bear and love to explore them
- Smile when I sing to you, you super love music and respond to it with so much joy
- Crawl backwards, trying to figure out the forward stuff, you try hard, but in the mean time you roll around in circles over and over and over again and end up on the other side of the room if I just let you continue to roll and roll.
- Sleep like a rock still 12 hours. Some days I still have to go in and wake you up and when I do you just look at me and smile so big with your sleepy eyes.
We love snuggling with you and you are a major snuggle bug. You love snuggling on our chests with your hands up at your face. Your dad is the master nighttime daddy and you guys love your time together. He gives you a bath pretty much every night and then does the burp and hold upright portion of the evening. Often I sneak on the monitor to watch him tuck you in and it is pretty darn cute to see how tender he is with you making sure you are all snug and tucked in. However, I always get nervous when it is just me because I swear he does bedtime the BEST. A week ago when dad was putting you to bed I came and gave you a kiss goodnight and you cried when I left the room. That was a first time and while it made me sad it melted my heart that you love me so much. Dad assured me though that you stopped right away and it hasn't happened again...darn it, is it crazy that I wish for you to cry for me?
Teething is in full effect!!! You chomp on everything, drool and enjoy sucking on ice in your mesh food container thingies. We are just waiting for them to sprout and while we are anxiously awaiting their arrival I know it also means that you are just growing up more and more and I hate it.
We just love you and are thrilled with who you are becoming already. We can tell you are a people person like your mom and have her love of life and have the patience and sweetness of your dad. We can't wait to see your personality blossom and explore the world with you. We often talk at night about all the places we want to take you, the activities we want to do with you and the adventures we want to take you on. We both hold off on putting you to bed because we just love spending time with you. Thankfully you don't get fussy at all when you are up way past your bedtime. You are good at going with the flow (another quality you get from your dad). You are the perfect addition to our family...our little party girl.