Wednesday, July 29, 2009


So my job in LA is great and I am in love with what I get to do every Monday through Friday. However, I did not love the baby cockroach that walked right across the top of my foot today while I was meeting with a client on their floor. Yup it's true. I was on the floor working with this client on a project and I felt a little tickle across the top of my foot, thinking it was just a fly I ignored it. But the tickle kept going so I looked down and sure enough a baby roach just walking across my foot. No biggie really!!! Right. You might be wondering what did I do? I brushed it off like no big deal and kept on talking with my client as if nothing happened. Don't you worry though I did not show that I was freakin out but my heart was beating so fast. After I brushed it off it continued on its path and walked across the room. Fun times in South Central.


  1. Ahhhhhh. Ewe!!!! I'm freakin out and I wasn't even there.

  2. I can NOT believe you kept your composure. You're a true professional Kris, unlike me. I couldn't have kept my mouth shut. Wow. Way to go!

  3. Just stop, seriously. Way to keep the composure.

  4. Oh dear! Just reading this gave me the chills! I'm not sure I would have been able to keep my composure if something like that happened to me. Bravo! Hope things are going well with you guys otherwise!
